• Having a dream to re-build decaying communities and lives by making the world a better place for all of humanity to live in peace and harmony. The Rev. Christopher D. Handy strives to raise the conscience of people everywhere to make a difference.  His meager beginnings in a small rural town in Monroe, Louisiana and his childhood in a housing project greatly contributed to his mission to enlighten, inform, educate, and motivate people to better themselves and their communities.

• Handy has written many articles for various newspapers and magazines. He has organized marches to combat violence, injustices, and poverty, and while in school in Michigan he ministered on the 'bad' streets of Detroit and other cities.  He continues to uphold justice and freedom by sharing his experiences with audiences everywhere.  His first book “The Scars of Racism” has made a stunning and positive impact on people of all races. 

• In 1999, Dr. Handy founded a Non-denomination Christian Community Church Ministry called The New Testament Bible Church and a non-profit organization called I.C.A.N (Innovative Community Action Network); Dr. Handy main focus is the future of our younger generation and the out casts of our society.  In effort to prepare all young boys and men for the realization of being a man in today's society, he has developed a program called "Christian Manhood Training Program" (CMTP), which is a rites of passage program which prepares young boys for manhood and also help them to deal with many of today's tough issues such as developing a relationship with God, learnig to be a leader not a follower, the treatment of women, the responsibility of being a Father, learning to love and not Kill, the importance of an education, handling racism, and the dangers of drugs and alcohol abuse. 

• Dr. Handy worked for over six years as the Mentor Coordinator/Director for the Monroe City Court Mentoring Program.  As Mentor Coordinator,  Handy worked with at-risk and troubled youths within the community by helping them to believe in themselves and encouraging them to strive for success. He was honored in 2002 with an Honorary Doctorate of Humanities Degree from The Institute of Christian Works for his work with the Mentoring Program. Dr. Handy is also a Certified Prison Fellowship Counselor, who has spoken to numerous inmates of all ages on how to survive on the inside, thus, preparing them for their release into society.  Dr. Handy is also a Licensed and Certified Counselor and a Certified Life Skills Coach and Trainer. Dr. Handy is a Certified Private Postsecondary Educator in Education and Christian Education. Dr. Handy is a Certified and Licensed A.O.D.S.= Adult Organizational Development Specialist. Having received many citations and special recognition awards from state and civic organizations.  

• His educational background includes studies in Business Administration from Louisiana Business College, a Bachelors Degree in Christian Education, a Bachelor Degree in Theology, a Masters of Divinity Degree, and a Doctorate of Theology Degree from Andersonville Baptist Seminary in Camilla, Ga. He also has a Ph. D. in philosophy in counseling from the Institute of Christian Works in Columbia, SC. Handy is a former Police Officer with the Richwood Police Department, a C.P.O. (Certified Protection Officer) with International Foundation of Protection Officer, Owned and Operated a private security and detective agency.

Dr. Handy is the Father of three children and definitely believes the family is the foundation of any society.  

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